Should You Follow Your Chiropractic Treatment Plan?

chiropractic care for a patient as part of his chiropractic treatment plan

When dealing with pain and injury, it is common to look for a quick fix. As daily activities become affected, feeling better quickly becomes even more valuable. We live in a world of amazon prime and next day shipping but unfortunately our bodies do not work this way.

It is important to remember that long term health and wellness is the ultimate goal, and the best results are seen with a specific process designed around your needs. With this said, following your chiropractic treatment plan is of utmost importance.

Length of Treatment Plan for Chiropractic Care

When your chiropractor creates a care plan for you, your specific needs and goals are taken into consideration. The severity of each case along with the results of your physical exam will determine how often and how long you will need to come in.

Female patient having a hand and neck chiropractic adjustment.

While a one-visit quick fix would be ideal for anyone, this is unfortunately not the case when it comes to the human body. As joint restrictions occur, injuries happen, and daily wear and tear takes place, the body begins to adapt to what it considers to be “the new normal.” Whether it has been weeks, months, or years of continuing with the problem, the body works itself around it.

When you begin to receive chiropractic care, this brings a change to the modifications that the body has created, and it can take some time to bring it back to normal. Your body must create new muscle memory and adapt itself to the corrections the chiropractor is making.

Patience through this process is so important. While it can be frustrating to not have overnight results with care, it’s critical to trust the process and know that your body is going through positive changes that take time.

Your treatment plan for chiropractic care will depend on many factors such as how chronic your condition is, how much inflammation and pain you have, the tissue or condition that is causing your pain, your job and hobbies, your nutritional status, and the time you have to dedicate towards your recovery.

How To Speed Up Muscle Recovery

As you go through your care plan, there are ways on how to speed up muscle recovery and encourage the body to adapt to the changes.

Woman is doing some stretching and exercise at home

Stretching and Exercises

Stretching and movement is one of the best things you can do alongside your chiropractic treatment plan, if it has not been discouraged for your case. This allows the body to become more adaptable and helps with circulation while you are healing. It can also help decrease some pain along the way.

Your chiropractor can recommend specific stretches and exercises around your case that will best benefit you. As your body becomes stronger and more flexible in the proper areas, healing becomes easier and can happen quicker.

Drinking Plenty of Fluids

After each adjustment, drinking plenty of fluids helps to flush out toxins that may have been released and to hydrate the body overall. It also hydrates the discs in between each vertebra which are not only important for the healing process, but also for long term health and wellness.

Drinking water after adjustments is also beneficial for decreasing chronic pain and relaxing tension throughout the body. This is a simple option that can speed the healing process and make the adjustments the most effective.

If you are sore, icing is another option that can help decrease inflammation and help with the soreness.

Avoiding Grains & Inflammatory Foods

Low inflammatory diet to speed up muscle recovery

Sticking to a low inflammatory diet and eliminating grains while going through a care plan can have positive results. Inflammation often comes alongside pain and injury. Inflammatory foods can make this worse and make healing more difficult and harder to reach.

While dietary changes can be hard to make, small changes during the care plan can make a huge difference in the results you see. Our office provides specific supplements that work with the body to help aid in healing and decreasing inflammation.

Get The Best Results with Your Chiropractic Treatment Plan

Keeping up with appointments and following the plan that is set with the chiropractor is ultimately the best thing you can do to get the best results for your body. Be patient with the process and know that your treatment plan is designed for you to get optimum results.

Don’t hesitate to talk to your chiropractor with any concerns throughout the course of action. Adaptations can always be made as needed. The most important part of your care plan is to be consistent, patient and trust that your body is moving in the right direction.

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8am-1pm, 2pm-5pm
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Office: 386-320-0325
Fax: 386-320-0318
10 Dogwood Trail, Suite B
Debary, FL 32713
2025 Health In Motion Chiropractic